History of Innovation

  1. 5. Device invented by Alexander Graham Bell for voice communication.
  2. 7. The use of microorganisms to consume and break down environmental pollutants.
  3. 9. The study of the magnetic properties and behavior of electrically conducting fluids.
  4. 12. A mobile phone with advanced features, including internet access and apps.
  5. 13. Invention bringing moving pictures into homes.
  6. 16. Creating three-dimensional objects from a digital file.
  7. 18. Thomas Edison's bright idea that lit up the world.
  8. 19. Manipulation of matter on an atomic or molecular scale.
  9. 20. The use of living systems and organisms to develop products.
  10. 23. Vehicle designed for space travel.
  11. 26. Protection of internet-connected systems from cyberattacks.
  12. 30. Large and complex data sets analyzed to reveal patterns and trends.
  13. 33. Machine for processing data, transforming modern life.
  14. 36. Related to the direct conversion of temperature differences to electric voltage.
  15. 38. Alexander Fleming's discovery, a life-saving antibiotic.
  16. 39. Instrument to observe tiny organisms.
  17. 41. A revolutionary gene-editing technology.
  18. 43. Edison's device recording and reproducing sound.
  19. 44. The process of preserving cells, tissues, or organs by cooling to very low temperatures.
  20. 46. A vehicle powered by both an internal combustion engine and an electric motor.
  21. 47. The basic mechanism by which certain materials form permanent magnets.
  22. 48. A single layer of carbon atoms with exceptional strength and conductivity.
  23. 49. A biological preparation providing immunity against diseases.
  24. 52. Simulation of human intelligence in machines.
  25. 54. A device converting sunlight into electricity.
  26. 55. Gutenberg's innovation spreading knowledge.
  27. 56. Object orbiting Earth, revolutionizing communication.
  28. 57. The design and manufacture of devices with dimensions measured in nanometers.
  29. 58. A simulated experience that can be similar to or completely different from the real world.
  1. 1. Limitless or endless in space, extent, or size; impossible to measure or calculate
  2. 2. Internal combustion engine powering vehicles.
  3. 3. A vehicle capable of sensing its environment and moving safely with little or no human input.
  4. 4. The use of unmanned aerial vehicles to transport goods.
  5. 6. Technology for converting light into electricity using semiconducting materials.
  6. 8. A robot designed to resemble the human body.
  7. 10. A wearable computer in the form of a watch.
  8. 11. A device that performs computations using quantum-mechanical phenomena.
  9. 14. Measuring and analyzing physical and behavioral characteristics for authentication.
  10. 15. An enhanced version of the real world created using digital elements.
  11. 17. The study of genomes, the complete set of DNA in an organism.
  12. 21. Marconi's invention transmitting sound through airwaves.
  13. 22. The process of transferring power to a device without using a physical connection.
  14. 23. Vessel navigating underwater.
  15. 24. An emerging technology that exploits the intrinsic spin of electrons.
  16. 25. James Watt's invention powering the Industrial Revolution.
  17. 27. Volta's creation storing electrical energy.
  18. 28. Securing communication using principles of quantum mechanics.
  19. 29. A decentralized digital ledger technology.
  20. 31. Device for observing distant celestial objects.
  21. 32. A substance composed of antiparticles, having opposite properties to those of normal matter.HOTOLITHOGRAPHY - A process used in microfabrication to pattern parts of a thin film.
  22. 34. A proposed high-speed transportation system using pods in low-pressure tubes.
  23. 35. Treating diseases by modifying genes.
  24. 37. Global network enabling information exchange.
  25. 40. A high-capacity capacitor with a higher energy density than conventional capacitors.
  26. 42. Interconnected devices communicating over the internet.
  27. 45. An electricity supply network that uses digital communications technology.
  28. 50. Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.SEMICONDUCTOR - Material used to control electrical current in electronic devices.
  29. 51. Wright brothers' invention that took flight.
  30. 53. Fundamental energy form powering innovation.