History of Livestock

  1. 1. Most popular breed of beef cattle
  2. 3. Believed to be one of the first animals domesticated
  3. 7. The leading state in the dairy industry
  4. 9. The bird that chickens came from
  5. 11. Species of poultry that originated in North America
  6. 12. _______ fibers are causing a decline in wool production
  7. 15. Meat that comes from sheep
  8. 16. Livestock that was domesticated 8000 years ago
  9. 18. The leading state in the sheep industry
  10. 20. The most important poultry species
  1. 2. The leading state in the poultry industry
  2. 4. Animals used for food, fiber, milk, & work
  3. 5. Meat that comes from pigs
  4. 6. The trend of beef consumption is on the?
  5. 8. Most popular breed of dairy cattle
  6. 10. Meat that comes from cattle
  7. 13. The leading state in beef cattle
  8. 14. To adapt animals for use by humans
  9. 17. One of the first animals to come to Jamestown
  10. 19. Today horses are mainly used for
  11. 21. The leading state in the pork industry