History of medicine

  1. 4. A bacteria transmitted by fleas and rats
  2. 6. and medicine men Treated illness in the primitive era
  3. 8. Kept accurate health records
  4. 9. roentgen Developed the x ray machine
  5. 10. The study of this was forbidden during the dark ages.
  6. 12. Developed a procedure to destroy dangerous microorganisms
  7. 13. Imhotep was believed to be the first
  1. 1. proved that all living things are made of these
  2. 2. Anton van Leeuwenhoek created this
  3. 3. lister developed methods of medical asepsis
  4. 5. Aristotle developed this by dissecting animals
  5. 7. Set up public hospitals
  6. 11. Held back medical progress by centuries