- 3. Which country was netball first played in?
- 4. How long does a break in a netball game last?
- 5. What was the last name of the woman who misinterpreted the rules of basketball and form the game of Netball?
- 6. First names of the man who invented basketball?
- 9. What country was touring England when the the decision to standardize the game came about?
- 11. What is the name of the circle middle of a netball court?
- 12. state in which women's basketball started to play in?
- 1. What year did Netball become an Olympic sport?
- 2. What major game is kept in netball every four years?
- 7. What instrument do players use to play netball?
- 8. Which country held the second world Netball Campionships?
- 10. What sport did netball originate from?