- 3. The player that uses their hands.
- 7. Between 1930 and 1994 Brazil won the world cup _______ times.
- 8. One of the worlds best player.
- 10. Soccer's first great goal scorer.
- 14. In 1995 ___________________ is named World Footballer of the year.
- 15. In the 18th century soccer was played violently in the _________ of villages.
- 16. ________ colored soccer balls first came out in the 1950's.
- 17. _________ defeats Hungary 2-1 for the Olympic gold metal in 1972.
- 18. Host country ___________ wins the first world cup.
- 1. In 1974 Pele _____________ from the Santos team.
- 2. Stands for FA.
- 4. By 1890 it had become the national sport in this country.
- 5. In 1866 the rule of, when the highest player doesn't have at least 3 players between them and the goalie, they're ___________.
- 6. In 1847 soccer first reached this country.
- 8. 310 people died in this soccer disaster in a game between ______ and Argentina.
- 9. In 1981 the NCAA sanctions the first __________ soccer championship.
- 11. Tried to stop soccer in 1314.
- 12. The person that blows the whistle for fouls and goals.
- 13. In 1921 the ______________ soccer league starts to play.
- 19. Around the 1600's soccer looked a lot like __________.