History of the Periodic Table

  1. 3. rayleigh Discovered Argon which led to the creation of Noble Gasses
  2. 6. Proved Mendeleev's arrangement of the periodic table to be correct. Arranged the periodic table by atomic number, not mass.
  3. 8. weight Increases as you move down a group
  4. 9. Arranged Horizontaly
  5. 11. and actinides Added last to the periodic table
  6. 12. periodic law States that when elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number, their physical and chemical properties show a pattern.
  7. 13. Exist in between the distinctions of metals and nonmetals.
  8. 16. Not able to conduct electricity or heat very well.
  9. 17. Arranged Verticaly
  10. 20. Highly conducive to both heat and electricity.
  1. 1. In 1894 the _____ Gasses were discovered
  2. 2. believed all substances were made of small amounts of earth, air, water, and fire.
  3. 4. The _____ Periodic Table has its elements arranged in order of atomic number.
  4. 5. Arranged first periodic table according to atomic mass.
  5. 7. Defined an element as a fundamental substance.
  6. 10. Determined a method for accurately measuring the relative masses of atoms.
  7. 14. Scientists who worked on configuring the Periodic Table
  8. 15. Created a scale of atomic weight
  9. 18. Placed the noble gasses in their own group
  10. 19. In 1913 the periodic table was arranged by ____