History of Transportation

  1. 4. By 2000 how many passengers went on planes per day?
  2. 5. What were large boats that carried hundreds of people called?
  3. 6. What was created to allow for easy shipment of good?
  4. 8. What did cars create a cause for?
  5. 9. Trolley What were the buses that were connected to power lines called?
  6. 10. What was another major car manufacturer besides Ford?
  7. 13. What was the largest public works project by 1956?
  8. 17. Because of cars and highways what was created?
  9. 18. What was created the highly changed the way lots of cargo was moved?
  10. 20. What became depended on from further places because of railroads?
  11. 22. What did cars create that were an extension of the city?
  12. 24. What became one of the best ways to carry many people?
  13. 26. Because of the mass production ability what kind of vehicles were being made during WW2?
  14. 27. What was the first way to travel?
  15. 28. Whaat was one of the first major public transportation ways?
  16. 29. What did larger planes allow for?
  17. 30. Who first mass produced cars?
  18. 32. What was a plan to get customers to buy new cars?
  19. 33. What allowed for easy and cheap transportation in cites?
  20. 36. What killed off many smaller Car Makers?
  21. 37. Because of planes what become a common easier activity?
  22. 38. What became the quickest way to travel far in a condensed city?
  23. 40. How many cars were in the u.s. by 2000?
  24. 41. What was the first large volume low cost car?
  1. 1. What was created dafter the high demand for easy use of petroleum?
  2. 2. Because of wagons and trains what city become one of the fastest growing cities?
  3. 3. Because of cars and trains where could cities be?
  4. 7. What year was the first car created?
  5. 11. What was created because of the new influx of drivers?
  6. 12. What allowed for many cars to be made?
  7. 14. When did the first plane take fight?
  8. 15. What was a very famous cruise ship that crashed?
  9. 16. What were created because of the intention of planes?
  10. 19. Because of boats where did most cities come up?
  11. 21. Who created the firs ever plane?
  12. 23. One of the first personal vehicles for shorter distance.
  13. 25. What was one of the first ways to travel long distances the best?
  14. 31. What were the boats called that moved containers?
  15. 34. What business grew because of these new cities?
  16. 35. What animal was used to carry people and/or luggage?
  17. 39. What allowed for quicker transportation on longer distances?