History review

  1. 7. Number of Canadians who fought in World War One
  2. 8. October 24, 1929. The event that started the Great Depression
  3. 10. Invention that become a staple in Canadian homes in the 1920s
  4. 12. This word described what the 1920s was all about
  5. 13. One the government tried to help the unemployed during the Great Depression
  6. 16. The name of the period that started in 1929
  7. 18. The reason why Canada entered World War 1. It was a ____ of Great Britain
  8. 20. Various organizations that helped the unemployed during the Great Depression
  9. 21. A new type of building that started to be built in the early 1900s
  10. 22. Different treatment of people depending on a group they belong to
  11. 23. Degree of comfort available to a population
  1. 1. The number of Canadians who died in World War One
  2. 2. Number of Jobs, Salaries, working conditions, standard of living in the 1920s did this
  3. 3. the name of the period following World War 1
  4. 4. People who opposed conscription
  5. 5. Allowed to work but forced to quit once married
  6. 6. These closed, leaving a lot of people unemployed in the 1930s
  7. 9. The month that the Stock Market Crashed
  8. 11. A movement that fought for women's rights in the 1920s
  9. 14. Obligatory military service
  10. 15. This world changing event started in 1914
  11. 17. Period of significant and often rapid, economic development
  12. 19. Number of Jobs, salaries and standard of living did this in the 1930s