History Study guide

  1. 3. primarily came to united states in the years 1820-1890 and were from northwestern europe
  2. 5. a minority group’s adoption of the beliefs and way of life of the dominant culture
  3. 6. the process of making an area more urban (the growth of cities)
  4. 8. a law enacted in 1882 that prohibited all chinese except students, teachers, merchants, tourist, and government officials from entering the united states
  5. 12. a manufacturing process that allows for finished and almost finished parts to be installed in sequence to automate and reduce the time needed to assemble a finished good
  6. 15. widespread railroad strike and boycott that severely disrupted rail traffic in the midwest of the united states in june-july 1894
  7. 17. an island in the san francisco bay that was an entry point for many asian immigrants to the united states beginning in 1910
  8. 18. certain urban spaces where cultural traits of a distinct ethnic minority culture are evident
  1. 1. a condition in which minority groups participate fully in the dominant society, yet maintain their cultural differences
  2. 2. also called the immigration act of 1924 was a discriminatory and ethnocentric policy that reduced overall immigration of the united states and established quotas on immigration from western and southern european countries as well as asian countries and russia
  3. 4. describes the reason that individuals might emigrate from their homes including poverty, lack of social mobility, violence, or presecution
  4. 7. agriculture using modern powered equipment instead of animals or human labor
  5. 9. an association of workers formed to negotiate collectively with an employer to protect and further workers rights and interests
  6. 10. an island in new york harbor that was the chief immigrant
  7. 11. primarily from southeastern europe and asia and made up a large part of the american immigrant population from 1890-1920
  8. 13. leave alone no taxes, regulation,or tariffs
  9. 14. describe the reason that an individual might settle in a particular country
  10. 16. americanization in which immigrants adopt american culture and abandon culture from their home country