History Test 2

  1. 1. - second capital of the United States
  2. 5. - Second president of the United States
  3. 6. of Rights- added to the Constitution to protect freedoms
  4. 9. first president of the United States
  5. 11. - Plan of government that America still follows
  6. 14. Enforces the Laws, Consists of the President
  7. 15. Amendment - guarantees American's freedom of religion, speech, the press
  8. 17. of Confederation - America's first plan of government
  9. 20. Republic- government run by representatives of the people
  10. 21. York City - first capital of the United States
  1. 2. Day - Day the president takes the oath of office
  2. 3. Dc - permanent capital of the United States
  3. 4. "Father of the Constitution
  4. 7. 2 people per state
  5. 8. of Representatives- based on population
  6. 10. nature- why man needs government
  7. 11. Convention - meeting to discuss the Constitution
  8. 12. Makes the Laws, Consists of Congress
  9. 13. - Third president of the United States
  10. 16. - president of the Constitutional Convention
  11. 18. consists of the House of Representatives and Senate
  12. 19. - Interprets the laws, Consists of the Supreme Court