- 3. North African slave who became one of the first known Africans to explore the Americas.
- 5. Portuguese explorer who led the first expedition to circumnavigate the globe.
- 6. Spanish word meaning "castle"; also a notable surname of conquistadors.
- 7. Spanish king who ruled during the height of the Spanish Empire's power in the 16th century.
- 10. Spanish explorer known for his ill-fated expedition to Florida in the 1520s.
- 11. Italian navigator credited with discovering the Americas in 1492.
- 1. Aztec god depicted as a feathered serpent, associated with wind and wisdom.
- 2. Spanish monarch who, along with Isabella, sponsored Columbus's voyage.
- 4. King of Spain and Holy Roman Emperor during the early 16th century.
- 7. Spanish conquistador who led the conquest of the Inca Empire.
- 8. Spanish conquistador who led the expedition that caused the fall of the Aztec Empire.
- 9. Spanish explorer Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, known for his journey across the American Southwest.