
  1. 3. In which city was the world’s first underground railway open?
  2. 5. Who first stepped on the moon?
  3. 9. Which came first? The Stone Age or the Bronze Age?
  4. 13. Where did the Olympic Games originate?
  5. 14. How many wives did Henry VIII have?
  6. 16. Who won World War 2?
  7. 20. Who was the British Prime Minister during World War II?
  1. 1. Name one famous artist from the Italian Renaissance?
  2. 2. Which city was destroyed by Mt. Vesuvius erupting?
  3. 4. Napoleon was finally defeated at the battle known as?
  4. 6. Who invented the telephone?
  5. 7. What sank the SS Titanic?
  6. 8. In 1594 William Shakespeare joined what London theatre?
  7. 10. The Battle of Hastings in 1066 was fought in which country?
  8. 11. The disease that ravaged and killed a third of Europe's population in the 14th century is known as?
  9. 12. Who was the first Australian Prime minister?
  10. 15. Who invented the lightbulb?
  11. 17. Which ancient people built pyramids?
  12. 18. Which country first used paper money?
  13. 19. Which US president was assassinated in Dallas Texas?