
  1. 2. II Hybrid varieties adapted Chemical fertilization become the norm Herbicides and Insecticides become norm
  2. 3. genetic structur
  3. 6. Introduction of fertilizers and Animal manures and Crop rotations
  4. 8. Larger farms Advanced plant breeding
  5. 10. Scientific revolution
  6. 11. 23ad-79ad wrote encyclopedia
  7. 13. wrote origins of plants
  8. 14. founder of the binomial system
  9. 16. Land-Grant Colleges 1890 Colleges
  10. 19. Experiment Stations
  11. 20. 40ad-90ad greek physician
  1. 1. father of genetics
  2. 2. Period Beginning of monoculture and Irrigation
  3. 4. Monastic gardens 80-90 percent people farmed
  4. 5. 371bc-297bc worked with aristotle
  5. 7. died in augusta ga owned fruit island nurseries
  6. 9. created ammonia to create fertilizer
  7. 12. marine biologist
  8. 15. born in moscow studied genetics and horticultural
  9. 17. published treasure on the vine
  10. 18. known for classifying plants