
  1. 2. The hide of an animal
  2. 5. a herb used in many traditional things
  3. 7. A large land animal
  4. 9. Native group on the east coast of Canada
  5. 10. A group of people related
  6. 12. an article of clothing worn on the head
  7. 16. A form of housing
  8. 17. a large red fish
  1. 1. to fight with other groups
  2. 2. Used for cooking
  3. 3. the west coast of Canada
  4. 4. Moving around often
  5. 5. a house full of smoke
  6. 6. The leader
  7. 8. Indigineous peoples
  8. 11. Large united group of natives
  9. 12. the act of killing for food
  10. 13. large animal that is a predator
  11. 14. water dwelling food source
  12. 15. Winter house