
  1. 2. Pizarro conquered this empire
  2. 5. disease from the columbian exchange
  3. 7. language Mayas used
  4. 8. nation to sail to Asia
  5. 10. set eyes on the pacific
  6. 11. shows specific information on a map like resources
  7. 13. things found on states or on maps
  8. 15. Cortes conquered this empire
  9. 17. conqueror from the 16th century
  10. 18. Discovered a continent
  11. 19. navigator to sail around the world
  1. 1. Shows physical things on a map like mountains
  2. 3. governor of Hespenola
  3. 4. could be preserved (is food)
  4. 6. the action of abolishing a system
  5. 9. an enclosure in which black slaves were confined
  6. 12. shows divisions between states
  7. 14. sailed near the american border
  8. 16. a line of animals or slaves
  9. 20. on motivation that allowed explorers to find a way to sail to Asia