
  1. 3. wrote “Common Sense”
  2. 7. against the ratification of the constitution
  3. 9. African american spy/slave
  4. 11. 1st battle of the Civil War (include ‘Battle’)
  5. 14. series of 85 essays written to support the ratification of the Constitution
  6. 15. plains largest physical land region
  7. 16. 1st hispanic American to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor
  8. 17. The first permanent english settlement in US
  9. 19. invented the bifocals
  10. 21. wrote the mayflower compact
  11. 23. started raid at Harpers Ferry
  12. 24. our 1st president
  13. 25. leader of the 1st great awakening
  1. 1. changes, corrections or additions to a law or the constitution
  2. 2. wanted a strict interpretation of the constitution
  3. 4. Document written by the puritans
  4. 5. influenced 2nd amendment
  5. 6. France joined colonists war efforts against Britain (include ‘Battle’)
  6. 8. to vote to bring charges against
  7. 10. “The shot heard round the world”
  8. 12. Ended french and Indian War
  9. 13. he was feathered and tarred by Boston population
  10. 18. known for saying “and as for me...give me liberty or give me death!”
  11. 20. Founder of rhode island
  12. 22. leading general for the union