
  1. 3. Father of the Constitution
  2. 4. 1st President
  3. 6. First Common Mans President
  4. 8. Wrote the Declaration of Independence
  5. 12. Letters Explaining the Constitution
  6. 13. Supreme Law of the Land
  7. 15. Amendment Dealing with Right to Privacy
  8. 17. Elder Statesman During the Constitutional Convention($100)
  9. 18. 5th President
  10. 19. 2nd President
  1. 1. Amendment Dealing with Freedom of Speech
  2. 2. 1st Secretary of the Treasury
  3. 5. Rebellion after the Revolutionary War
  4. 7. 1st Ten Amendments
  5. 9. Country the Patriots Fought Against
  6. 10. Largest Signature on the Declaration
  7. 11. Amendment Dealing with Reserved Powers
  8. 14. Amendment Dealing with Right to Bear Arms
  9. 16. Country that Helped the Patriots
  10. 18. Wrote the Preamble