
  1. 4. Oldest city
  2. 7. "Gentlemen, we must now all hang together, or we shall most assuredly all hang separately"
  3. 11. Richest person in all of history
  4. 13. First US president to declare war
  5. 14. Longest serving pope
  6. 15. Wrote the Pledge of Allegiance
  7. 16. How many years Humans have been at peace(no war)
  8. 17. The only person to have recieved two nobel prizes in two different sciences
  9. 18. often used as a substitute of water due to cleanliness
  10. 19. how many Olympic games have been hosted in Africa
  11. 20. from 1912 to 1948, this event was part of the Olympics
  12. 21. The only country to have been under anarchy/no government
  1. 1. issued the first decree on human rights
  2. 2. "Let them eat cake"
  3. 3. Canada landed on this beach on D-day
  4. 5. The most successful slave rebellion
  5. 6. Oldest University
  6. 8. Longest reigning monarch
  7. 9. First european settlement in America
  8. 10. Official Language of England for 600 years
  9. 12. Shortest war in history
  10. 16. 2017 is the 500th anniversary of...