
  1. 3. named America
  2. 5. Second Spanish social class
  3. 7. pirates trying to take ships
  4. 9. Southern tip of Africa
  5. 10. Incan ruler Pizzaro killed
  6. 12. Lighter and faster ships
  7. 13. Workers paying off debt
  8. 14. Sailor who made a sail school
  9. 15. Cape of good hope
  10. 18. Americans converting people to Christianity
  11. 19. Biggest tribe known
  12. 20. triangular sails
  1. 1. Man who preached to end slavery
  2. 2. Spanish ruler who heard rumors of gold
  3. 4. star measuring tool
  4. 5. a tool to measure starts and distance for sailing
  5. 6. people of African and European decent
  6. 8. A sea under Europe
  7. 11. country west in Europe and next to Portugal
  8. 16. Ocean right of Africa
  9. 17. Circumnavigated the world