
  1. 3. only responsible to god
  2. 8. a policy to have no alliance or economic or political relations
  3. 10. administrative organization that relies on non elective officials
  4. 11. the braided ponytail worn by chinese males.
  5. 13. soldier in the elite guard (Ottoman)
  6. 14. supporters of parliament (eng. Civil war)
  7. 16. head of noble family in Japan
  8. 18. life, liberty, property ( born with)
  9. 19. supporters of king (eng. Civil war)
  10. 22. does not conform to doctrine
  11. 23. military/ political holder (Ottoman)
  12. 24. a landowner who lend land to poor farmers
  13. 25. French Protestants
  14. 26. principles in economics in the 17th century
  1. 1. forced voyage of enslaved Africans
  2. 2. Spanish had the right to use native americans
  3. 4. formed by outside conquerors who unify a nation
  4. 5. customary beliefs
  5. 6. generally accepted theory
  6. 7. a political system whose ruler holds all power
  7. 9. Eng. Protestants
  8. 12. settlement of people in a new land
  9. 15. no government
  10. 17. daimyo was forced to stay home when the lord was gone
  11. 20. rapid increase in prices
  12. 21. labor system on Peru to draft indigenous people to work