Hitchcockian Tropes

  1. 4. A device used to record films now present on our phones
  2. 7. A camera technique where the camera is mounted on a moving "dolly"
  3. 9. Rising tension when the audience is unsure of what is about to happen
  4. 13. Close observation, especially of a suspected spy or criminal
  5. 16. When the audience is watching and sees something that the characters do not know
  6. 17. A method of transportation used in Hitchcock movies
  7. 19. The arrangement of the scenery, props, etc. on the stage of a theatrical production or on the set of a film.
  8. 20. Female figures often portrayed as 'batty' in Hitchcock films
  9. 21. An structure used so that people can move between levels i.e upstairs to downstairs
  1. 1. ____ Theory: There is no terror in the bang, only in the anticipation of it.
  2. 2. An object or device in a film which drives the plotline
  3. 3. A significant or recurring theme
  4. 5. Camera technique zooming into the face
  5. 6. A hitchcockian number
  6. 8. The reproduction of everyday sound effects that are added to films, videos, and other media in post-production to enhance audio quality
  7. 10. Hitchcockian alcohol often used
  8. 11. Hair colour of an individual commonly used
  9. 12. The predetermined deliberate action of killing someone
  10. 14. When hitchock would make an appearance in his films
  11. 15. A winged animal which makes many appearances in Hitchcock films
  12. 18. A sport often used in Hitchcock movies using a wracket