- 4. Ordinarily perpendicular - 6
- 8. Complex perspective - 8
- 9. A repeating ending - 6
- 10. Up against this side of a right angled triangle - 8
- 11. This integral is indecent - 8
- 12. Function for confused car companies - 6
- 13. All around the perimeter - 13
- 14. Vital area - 8
- 15. Lines crossing circles harmoniously - 6
- 17. "Sine" of the (2) times - 6/5/7
- 18. Sequence sandwich - 7/7
- 20. Take part in discussions? For mathematicians, the opposite - 8
- 21. Domino effect - 9
- 22. Cruel average - 4
- 1. Going off on one - 7
- 2. For life threatening limits- 9/4
- 3. To infinity (but not beyond)- 9
- 5. Fashionable average - 4
- 6. When rates of change are not explicit - 8/15
- 7. Flipping cats - 10/5
- 16. Going in different directions, paths never crossing - 4
- 19. Absolutely positive - 7