Alejandro's Crossword

  1. 4. A place where you buy and sell things.
  2. 5. station Place to fill up cars with gas.
  3. 7. center The main part of a city.
  4. 10. Trivia competition
  5. 12. Move rhythmically to music
  6. 14. Social organization centered around a shared interest
  7. 17. Where two streets meet.
  8. 19. Building for preserving and exhibiting cultural artifacts
  9. 22. Individual belonging to a group
  10. 23. Electronic device for processing information
  11. 24. A place with lots of animals to see.
  12. 27. A circle where cars drive around.
  13. 28. Fun area with games and swings for kids.
  14. 29. Artistic pastime
  15. 30. Bound collection of printed pages
  16. 31. A path over water for cars or people to cross.
  17. 33. park A space where cars can be parked.
  18. 34. A smaller city where people live.
  19. 36. Periodical publication
  20. 37. station Place where buses come and go.
  1. 1. Open space in a city for people to gather.
  2. 2. Place for outdoor stays and recreation
  3. 3. Outdoor music and entertainment gathering
  4. 6. Path for cars and people to travel.
  5. 8. Capture an image with a camera
  6. 9. Two-wheeled vehicle
  7. 11. Outdoor area with grass and trees.
  8. 13. Where big airplanes take off and land.
  9. 14. Device for capturing visual and audio data
  10. 15. A place or train below the ground.
  11. 16. Social event with friends
  12. 18. Outdoor meal in a scenic spot
  13. 20. Gather or assemble systematically
  14. 21. stop Where people wait for the bus.
  15. 23. Where two or more roads meet.
  16. 25. Celebratory days off
  17. 26. A road in the city where people walk and drive.
  18. 29. Recreational area for outdoor activities
  19. 32. Create an image with a pencil or pen
  20. 35. Portable shelter for camping
  21. 37. Cookout gathering