
  1. 3. you can join at schools
  2. 6. singing and ....
  3. 8. listening to songs
  4. 10. material that you read
  5. 14. Where you can learn about history
  6. 15. you can record things with
  7. 16. Where you live when you camp
  8. 18. Get together
  9. 19. pictures
  10. 21. something you can ride
  11. 23. where you can do water activities
  12. 24. Whole bunch of trees and flowers
  1. 1. where you go for camping
  2. 2. post school
  3. 4. chicken wings, lamb, etc.
  4. 5. lots of food, usually doing it in parks
  5. 7. play games and watch movies
  6. 9. Similar to drawing
  7. 11. pianist
  8. 12. mid-autumn
  9. 13. living in tents
  10. 17. where you get knowledge
  11. 20. an instrument
  12. 22. Similar to painting
  13. 23. with two wheels