
  1. 1. To make your voice go with music.
  2. 5. One of the sport teams in Longshan. They play this sport in the student activity center.
  3. 6. To run slowly.
  4. 7. An instrument which is usually in the round shape.
  5. 10. The sport which Kobe Bryan was famous for.
  6. 14. The action of moving with music.
  7. 15. An instrument which has black and white keys.
  8. 16. A show which singers sing on stage.
  9. 17. Going underwater to watch sea animals.
  1. 1. To move around in water.
  2. 2. An instrument which has six strings.
  3. 3. One of the sport teams in Longshan. The coach has curly hair.
  4. 4. To make delicious dishes.
  5. 8. The action of enjoying books.
  6. 9. A small piece of paper we use when we send letters.
  7. 11. To stand on a board and move on the sea.
  8. 12. To make cake and bread.
  9. 13. A sport people use their foot to play.
  10. 17. To buy things at stores.