
  1. 3. stretch your body
  2. 5. the general name for Kendo, Karate, Taekwondo Taekyon, Boxing, etc.
  3. 6. make BBQ and sleep in a tent
  4. 8. use your little army to defeat another's army by checking the king (on the table)
  5. 9. pick the strings to make music
  6. 10. making tiny Avengers
  7. 11. catch the animals living in the water
  1. 1. exercise using a 2-wheels vehicle
  2. 2. try to throw a ball into a basket
  3. 4. 22 people chasing one ball
  4. 7. the general name for Monopoly, Bang, Splendor, Rummikub
  5. 9. hit a small ball with a stick