
  1. 2. Making creative and handmade items like jewelry, pottery, or origami.
  2. 3. Building Assembling and building models of planes, cars, or buildings using kits and your own hands.
  3. 8. Music Learning to play musical instruments like the guitar, piano, or drums and creating your own tunes.
  4. 10. Taking care of plants, planting flowers, and growing your own fruits or vegetables.
  5. 11. Capturing moments and scenes with a camera to create lasting memories.
  6. 12. Expressing your thoughts and imagination through stories, poems, or journaling.
  7. 13. Enjoying books and stories to explore different worlds and characters.
  1. 1. Gathering and organizing objects like stamps, coins, or action figures as a hobby.
  2. 2. Preparing delicious meals and trying out new recipes in the kitchen.
  3. 4. Moving your body to the rhythm of music and expressing yourself through dance.
  4. 5. Solving Working on puzzles like crosswords, jigsaw puzzles, or Sudoku to challenge your problem-solving skills.
  5. 6. Using your voice to create melodies and sing along to your favorite songs.
  6. 7. Spending time in nature, setting up tents, and enjoying outdoor activities like hiking and roasting marshmallows around a campfire.
  7. 8. Using colors and brushes to create beautiful pictures on paper or canvas.
  8. 9. Sports Engaging in physical activities such as soccer, basketball, or swimming for fun and exercise.