
  1. 2. This can be played either "flag" or "tackle"
  2. 5. To get enjoyment and excitement from doing an activity means to have ___.
  3. 8. Some people go here for spiritual reasons
  4. 9. This hobby might involve getting into a mystery, fantasy, or horror world
  5. 10. People that enjoy _____ might do this in the shower.
  6. 13. Six Flags and Disney World are examples of an _________.
  7. 14. The breastroke and backstroke are used by someone who likes to___.
  8. 16. Having a sense of curiosity about something.
  9. 17. You will use an easel and canvas for this hobby
  10. 18. An activity having worth or _____.
  1. 1. Someone who loves to ____ might know the Cupid Shuffle
  2. 2. This hobby is done outdoor with a "stick"
  3. 3. Roll a dice and move your piece
  4. 4. If this is a hobby of yours, you probably know how to shuffle.
  5. 6. You might like YouTube or Google if you can use a ____.
  6. 7. Someone with a "green thumb" will do this hobby
  7. 11. If you love to cook, you need to be a able to follow a _____.
  8. 12. Martese and Devin enjoy this hobby
  9. 15. You can do this hobby on ice, the street, or a wood floor.
  10. 19. Recreation and leisure means doing things that you ____.