- 5. Vegetable often used in pranks the night before Halloween
- 6. Is a pumpkin a fruit or vegetable?
- 9. The first First Lady to decorate The White House for Halloween: Mamie _______________
- 11. When do vampires sleep?
- 13. Most popular Halloween candy in the United States
- 14. Actress who starred in Hocus Pocus
- 15. The fear of Halloween
- 16. What is the most commercially successful horror movie of all time?
- 18. 35 __________ pounds of candy corn are produced each year.
- 21. A witch’s mode of transportation
- 22. What horror movie was the first American film ever to show a toilet on screen?
- 1. What color cat is associated with witches?
- 2. It is illegal in this state to dress as a priest, nun, rabbi, minister, or other clergy person on Halloween.
- 3. Silly String is banned in what state on Halloween?
- 4. What is a woman supposed to see in a mirror while walking downstairs at midnight on Halloween?
- 7. Last name of Jason in Friday the 13th?
- 8. What is the only holiday which surpasses Halloween in amount of money spent?
- 10. The Munsters lived on ________________ Lane.
- 12. What famous magician died on Halloween?
- 17. How many pieces of candy does the average house give on Halloween?
- 19. Charlie Brown and ________ wait for The Great Pumpkin on Halloween.
- 20. ____________ and Ireland popularized Halloween costumes for trick-or-treating.