Holding up the universe

  1. 4. Lumshamp
  2. 6. A disease in which you can't recognize peoples faces.
  3. 8. we are all the way you are.
  4. 11. Everyone is a to Jack.
  5. 13. Jack's parents want to get a .
  6. 14. Jack's little brother wants to carry a .
  7. 15. The genre of this book
  8. 16. America's fattest teen
  9. 17. Someone dies and Libby becomes depressed.
  1. 1. The coolest guy in school
  2. 2. Jack plays a prank on Libby
  3. 3. Libby and Jack find themselves here after the scene in the cafeteria.
  4. 5. Libby tells the school "you are wanted."
  5. 6. Libby was bullied here when she was younger.
  6. 7. A dance group
  7. 9. Libby writes note to herself on the wall.
  8. 10. Something purple
  9. 12. Jack punches people because he is .