
  1. 2. Dominican _____ (The official suffix of the country we are visiting).
  2. 4. Famous footballer from this country.
  3. 6. Famous singer we will be hearing a lot during travelling.
  4. 8. Famous singer who (fun fact!) is half from this country (HINT: plays a crocodile)
  5. 9. Main religion of this country.
  6. 13. Board we will have at our hotel.
  7. 15. Lovely sandy place we HAVE to visit on this holiday.
  8. 16. Legal age to rent a car in this country.
  9. 17. Ocean bordering two sides of our destination.
  1. 1. Group that this country is part of, that the UK is no longer part of.
  2. 3. Legal document required to travel.
  3. 5. The closest continent to this country, excluding the one it is in.
  4. 7. Continent that this country is located in.
  5. 9. The amazing beautiful woman that booked this holiday for us.
  6. 10. Weather that we will be experiencing, which is uncommon in the UK.
  7. 11. Month anniversary we will be travelling home on.
  8. 12. How we will be feeling on this holiday (rhymes with play).
  9. 14. Method of travel.