Holiday Bonus

  1. 3. narrow trench or wrinkled forehead
  2. 6. black people living on the coast of South Carolina and nearby islands
  3. 7. using language that normally signifies the opposite effect.
  4. 9. to ask earnestly
  5. 11. Edgar Allan Poe's bird
  6. 12. A story in which ideas are symbolized as people
  7. 14. the color of a good gardener's thumb
  8. 15. extremely large
  9. 16. medieval weapons
  10. 17. A short story in which animals or objects speaks a story, to teach a moral or religious lesson
  1. 1. A short story designed to teach a moral or religious lesson.
  2. 2. where Trevor Noah is from
  3. 4. a person who has escaped and is in hiding
  4. 5. small, insignificant
  5. 7. descriptive or figurative language
  6. 8. relating to the beautiful
  7. 10. major tennis tounament held in Paris
  8. 13. the angry color