Holiday Celebration

  1. 2. What is the main color associated with Halloween?
  2. 5. What monster drinks blood?
  3. 8. What do you sometimes eat on Thanksgiving?
  4. 9. What's another name for the big Thanksgiving meal?
  5. 11. What do you carve on Halloween?
  6. 12. Thanksgiving is always celebrated on what day of the week?
  7. 15. What is the name of the month of Halloween?
  1. 1. In what month is Thanksgiving celebrating?
  2. 3. What creature visits lots of homes on days leading up to Christmas?
  3. 4. What do you dress up in for Halloween?
  4. 6. What do most people put on top of their Christmas tree?
  5. 7. Who so called stole christmas?
  6. 10. Who came to the first Thanksgiving?
  7. 13. In what month is christmas celebrated in?
  8. 14. What is Charlie Crown's famous dog's name?