Holiday Crossword

  1. 4. Halloween symbol + 3.1459265358
  2. 6. Playground for ghosts.
  3. 10. Where the pilgrims landed.
  4. 11. "Horn of Plenty"
  5. 13. Scrooge's first name.
  6. 15. St. Nick's beard is like what feature of winter?
  7. 16. What you don't eat during the Thanksgiving feast.
  8. 18. Incey wincey is one of these.
  9. 19. How many reindeer are there, including Rudolph?
  10. 21. Whose eyes are made of coal?
  11. 22. A large group of closely knit people.
  12. 24. Contains sugar, milk, and eggs.
  13. 25. What does the Thanks in Thanksgiving express?
  14. 27. Fire burn, and _____ bubble.
  15. 28. How many pipers piping did my true love give to me?
  1. 1. Another word for scare.
  2. 2. _______ House.
  3. 3. Count ______.
  4. 5. In A Charlie Brown Christmas, who plays the dusty innkeeper in the Christmas play?
  5. 7. Comes out on a full moon.
  6. 8. Fresh Baked _____ go well with your Thanksgiving dinner.
  7. 9. The pilgrims' ship
  8. 12. A skeleton is a bunch of these.
  9. 14. Stuffing or _____.
  10. 17. What was Brenda Lee doing around the Christmas tree?
  11. 18. Who brought Frosty back to life?
  12. 19. When ghosts come out to play.
  13. 20. Thanksgiving falls on this week day every year.
  14. 23. Frankenstein has one.
  15. 26. Glittery bits of metal that are hung on a Christmas tree.