- 4. Halloween symbol + 3.1459265358
- 6. Playground for ghosts.
- 10. Where the pilgrims landed.
- 11. "Horn of Plenty"
- 13. Scrooge's first name.
- 15. St. Nick's beard is like what feature of winter?
- 16. What you don't eat during the Thanksgiving feast.
- 18. Incey wincey is one of these.
- 19. How many reindeer are there, including Rudolph?
- 21. Whose eyes are made of coal?
- 22. A large group of closely knit people.
- 24. Contains sugar, milk, and eggs.
- 25. What does the Thanks in Thanksgiving express?
- 27. Fire burn, and _____ bubble.
- 28. How many pipers piping did my true love give to me?
- 1. Another word for scare.
- 2. _______ House.
- 3. Count ______.
- 5. In A Charlie Brown Christmas, who plays the dusty innkeeper in the Christmas play?
- 7. Comes out on a full moon.
- 8. Fresh Baked _____ go well with your Thanksgiving dinner.
- 9. The pilgrims' ship
- 12. A skeleton is a bunch of these.
- 14. Stuffing or _____.
- 17. What was Brenda Lee doing around the Christmas tree?
- 18. Who brought Frosty back to life?
- 19. When ghosts come out to play.
- 20. Thanksgiving falls on this week day every year.
- 23. Frankenstein has one.
- 26. Glittery bits of metal that are hung on a Christmas tree.