Holiday Crossword

  1. 3. Santa's helpers
  2. 5. Important part of the holidays
  3. 7. Tree topper
  4. 8. Put these on a holiday tree
  5. 9. Gifts
  6. 11. Hung by the chimney, not the bathtub
  7. 12. Person who stole Christmas (2 words)
  8. 13. M's favorite holiday animal
  9. 15. Sweet holiday candy (2 words)
  10. 17. Partridge home during the 12 days of Christmas
  11. 19. Plant that encourages kissing (use with caution during COVID)
  12. 20. Cold, white and melty man
  13. 21. Number of golden rings
  1. 1. Yummy Christmas cookie that tastes like white pepper
  2. 2. Paper greetings (2 words)
  3. 4. A jolly fellow that visits in December
  4. 6. Rhymes with holly
  5. 10. Santa's number 1
  6. 12. Tom rode this on on the roof of the Atlanta Rich's department store in the 80's (3 words)
  7. 14. Try to catch it on your tongue
  8. 16. Door-to-door music (not during COVID)
  9. 18. Olympic sport you can do at the mall (2 words)