Holiday crossword

  1. 5. a circular arrangement of greenery or flowers
  2. 6. A glove with two sections one for the thumb and one for the other four fingers
  3. 7. A sled typically pulled by horses or reindeer
  4. 8. A festive song or hymn sung at Christmas
  5. 9. cheerful and good humored
  6. 12. magical pointy eared creatures who build toys
  7. 14. candle holder for the seven candles lit during Kwanzaa
  8. 16. A hanging item used to make something look more attractive
  9. 20. cookie made with molasses and ginger
  10. 23. nine branch candelabrum used during Hanukkah
  11. 24. The activity of traveling or sliding downhill over snow on a sled
  12. 26. The eight day festival of lights celebrating the rededication of the Jewish temple
  13. 27. relating to a festival
  1. 1. A real or artificial tree set up and decorated as part of Christmas festivities
  2. 2. A grouchy spoilsport who doesn’t enjoy Christmas
  3. 3. A white bearded man in red who delivers presents to well-behaved kids on Christmas Eve
  4. 4. A striped sweet candy with a curved end
  5. 7. A long sock traditionally filled with small Christmas gifts
  6. 10. A large meal typically in celebration of something
  7. 11. A block of wax with a central wick used to produce light as it burns
  8. 13. A heavy fall of snow
  9. 15. religious festival celebrating Jesus Christ’s birth
  10. 17. The celebration of the restarting of the calendar year
  11. 18. those who you spend the holidays with
  12. 19. A hollow structure that allows Santa Claus to gain magical entryway
  13. 21. seven day festival celebrating African-American cultural heritage
  14. 22. pancakes made of grated potato fried in oil and served during Hanukkah
  15. 25. A four sided top used by children to play a gambling game during Hanukkah