Holiday Crossword

  1. 2. Hanukkah game
  2. 4. Santa's car
  3. 7. watch this on New Years Eve
  4. 8. Front door decoration
  5. 10. holiday month
  6. 12. present for bad children
  7. 15. hung by a fireplace
  8. 20. Santa's helpers
  9. 21. placed on a Christmas tree
  10. 23. striped candy
  11. 24. hot, sweet drink
  1. 1. "Dashing through the snow..."
  2. 3. He hates Christmas
  3. 5. frozen rain
  4. 6. lit on Hanukkah
  5. 9. famous reindeer
  6. 11. Christmas drink
  7. 13. Present for Santa
  8. 14. the kissing plant
  9. 16. Presidential pardon
  10. 17. In Santa's bag
  11. 18. popular snowman
  12. 19. drops on New Years
  13. 22. the coldest season