Holiday Crossword

  1. 2. What gamers might want as a gift
  2. 3. These hang from Christmas trees
  3. 5. This guy's heart grew three sizes
  4. 7. What goes on top of a Christmas tree
  5. 10. A red nosed reindeer
  6. 12. Christmas _____; The day before Christmas
  7. 13. Hardworking toy makers
  8. 17. Where Santa enters a house
  9. 18. The song you're playing in music class
  10. 19. Another name for reindeer
  1. 1. What tamales are made of
  2. 2. An abbreviation for Christmas
  3. 4. Where Roald Amundsen may have seen Santa
  4. 6. A striped candy
  5. 8. What gifts go under
  6. 9. Santa's ride (It's tough to spell!)
  7. 11. The total number of nights in Hanukkah
  8. 14. A snowman that came to life
  9. 15. Santa enjoys this with is cookies
  10. 16. "And a partridge in a _____ tree."
  11. 17. What naughty kids get for Christmas