Holiday Crossword

  1. 1. Sometimes seen at the top of a tree
  2. 4. White-out conditions
  3. 8. Item we give and/or receive
  4. 10. Reindeer help Santa pull this
  5. 11. Let It ____
  6. 12. Drink we leave out for Santa
  7. 13. Stand under this and you might get a kiss
  8. 15. Songs sung typically in a group
  9. 17. Traditional Christmas time beverage
  10. 18. Jewish festival in December
  1. 2. Bright red nose haver
  2. 3. Popular Christmas movie
  3. 5. You decorate it in December
  4. 6. _____ Bells
  5. 7. 'Tis the night before Christmas
  6. 9. Mysterious night time delivery man
  7. 10. Sport where you traverse the snow
  8. 11. They're all tiny and unique
  9. 14. Decorative item
  10. 15. Baked good we leave out for Santa
  11. 16. Another sport where you traverse the snow