- 3. Saturnalia named after this character of Roman myth
- 7. “O Come, All Ye Faithful” first attributed to this person (last name)
- 8. ______Saturnalia!
- 9. where Romans would exchange gifts on Saturnalia
- 12. name of third wiseman in Persian tradition of the Magi
- 13. Latin word for reindeer
- 15. Latin for “Light [the Menorah]”
- 16. originally celebrated by Romans on December 17
- 1. Kris Kringleʻs name based upon from this
- 2. the robe that Saint Nicholas wears is called
- 4. Latin word for Santaʻs Sleigh
- 5. symbolic candles and clay dolls
- 6. Saint Nicholas persecuted by this Emperor
- 10. last name of poet who wrote “Night Before Christmas.”
- 11. “December used to be a month; now itʻs a whole year.”
- 14. Saint Nicholas came from this town