  1. 2. What's the name of the horse in the song "Jingle Bells"?
  2. 3. What is traditionally placed on top of a Christmas tree?
  3. 4. What is the highest-grossing Christmas movie of all time?
  4. 7. Where Santa Claus is said to live.
  5. 9. A coin is hidden in this traditional dessert for good luck.
  6. 11. How many days is Hanukkah celebrated?
  7. 12. The day after Christmas, when stores often have sales.
  8. 14. A holiday game played with family, often involving a gift exchange.
  9. 15. What's the Hawaiian phrase for Merry Christmas?
  1. 1. A popular Christmas ballet.
  2. 3. A holiday decoration that's sometimes filled with treats.
  3. 5. A red flower often seen around Christmas.
  4. 6. What is the father's name in the movie Home Alone?
  5. 8. What is given on the fifth day in "The Twelve Days of Christmas"?
  6. 10. What do you build out of snow?
  7. 13. In the song 12 days of Christmas, how many ladies are dancing?