❄️ ISS Holiday Crossword ❄️

  1. 1. Things to keep your hands warm.
  2. 4. Crackles with heat.
  3. 6. House made of ice.
  4. 7. Sweet and twisted.
  5. 8. Something you give each other around the holidays.
  6. 10. White fluffy stuff that falls from the sky.
  7. 11. Another word for cold.
  8. 15. Sport played in the winter.
  9. 19. Our detection solution that helps stop these drivers as quickly as possible.
  10. 20. For decades, ISS has engineered ________ to provide accurate, reliable, and high-performance video detection.
  11. 21. What you are supposed to spread during the holidays.
  12. 22. May your days be merry and ________.
  1. 1. Another word for present.
  2. 2. Helps melt ice.
  3. 3. Hanging spikes of frozen water.
  4. 5. Traditional sweet, rich, and dairy-based drink.
  5. 6. What snowmen wear on their heads.
  6. 8. A vehicle that helps clear snow off the roads.
  7. 9. What do road crews use at the north pole?
  8. 12. Something you make that has a certain amount of things that you want.
  9. 13. What snowmen eat for breakfast.
  10. 14. Walking in a winter ________.
  11. 16. Country that has winter all year round.
  12. 17. ISS' Autoscope Vision has more than ________ decades of proven above-ground video detection experience.
  13. 18. Very windy weather.