Holiday Crossword Puzzle

  1. 6. How many candles are lit during Kwanzaa?
  2. 7. Came before Christmas and Kwanzaa.
  3. 8. Opened on December 25th.
  4. 9. Christian Holiday.
  5. 11. The sixth principal of Kwanzaa.
  6. 12. Yule symbol of hope.
  7. 14. Christmas in French is...
  8. 15. When are these holidays celebrated?
  9. 17. Played during Hanukkah.
  10. 19. The Kikombe Cha Umoja is a....
  11. 20. Hannukkah and Kwanzaa have this in common.
  1. 1. Christmas and Yule have this in common.
  2. 2. African American Holiday.
  3. 3. Jewish Holiday.
  4. 4. In English, Hanukkah means...
  5. 5. Lit after sunset during the days of Hanukkah.
  6. 10. Celebrated on December 21st.
  7. 13. How long does Yule last?
  8. 16. Pagan Holiday.
  9. 18. Placed on the branches of a tree.