- 6. How many candles are lit during Kwanzaa?
- 7. Came before Christmas and Kwanzaa.
- 8. Opened on December 25th.
- 9. Christian Holiday.
- 11. The sixth principal of Kwanzaa.
- 12. Yule symbol of hope.
- 14. Christmas in French is...
- 15. When are these holidays celebrated?
- 17. Played during Hanukkah.
- 19. The Kikombe Cha Umoja is a....
- 20. Hannukkah and Kwanzaa have this in common.
- 1. Christmas and Yule have this in common.
- 2. African American Holiday.
- 3. Jewish Holiday.
- 4. In English, Hanukkah means...
- 5. Lit after sunset during the days of Hanukkah.
- 10. Celebrated on December 21st.
- 13. How long does Yule last?
- 16. Pagan Holiday.
- 18. Placed on the branches of a tree.