Holiday Items

  1. 5. you spray it on yourself to make bugs go away
  2. 7. you use it to dry off after taking a shower. You can also lie down on it at the beach!
  3. 8. you wear this when you go to the beach
  4. 10. you can use it to help you communicate with the locals when you're on holiday - it helps with the language!
  5. 12. you can use it to take photos
  6. 16. you wear it to protect you from the rain
  7. 17. you use them if you get sick when you travel - it stops you from throwing up!
  1. 1. you put this on your face to protect your eyes from the sun
  2. 2. you need these in order to fly somewhere - its a slip of paper that allows you to go on a plane
  3. 3. something you use to protect you from the sun
  4. 4. you sleep in it when you go camping
  5. 6. you need this to cross the border of a country
  6. 9. you can use it to clean your teeth - it is in a tube
  7. 11. you can use it to clean your teeth - it is plastic
  8. 12. it's small and made out of plastic - you can use it to pay instead of using banknotes
  9. 13. you can use it to find more information about famous landmarks
  10. 14. the type of money that is used in the specific country (dollars, pounds, levs, euro)
  11. 15. you sleep on this