Holiday Party

  1. 2. What holds 8 candles for Hannukah?
  2. 6. What falls from the sky and lands on the ground in winter?
  3. 9. What is a symbol of Kwaanza?
  4. 10. Who gives you presents at Christmas?
  5. 11. What is cold and round and made of snow?
  6. 13. What pulls Santa's sleigh?
  1. 1. What do you put under a Christmas tree?
  2. 3. Who sneaks around at Christmas?
  3. 4. Who has a shiny nose on Santa's sleigh at Christmas?
  4. 5. What is made of snow and has a carrot nose?
  5. 7. What do you put Christmas presents under?
  6. 8. What do you spin with Hebrew letters?
  7. 12. Which season has cold weather?