holiday plans

  1. 1. A small vehicle for driving on roads.
  2. 3. A flying vehicle that takes people to faraway places.
  3. 5. Something you use to carry things, like a backpack or purse.
  4. 9. A tool with bristles used to clean your teeth.
  5. 11. Tall, rocky land that rises high above the ground.
  6. 14. Clothes you wear for swimming.
  7. 15. Sleeping outdoors, usually in a tent.
  8. 16. A place where people stay when they travel.
  9. 18. A lotion that protects your skin from the sun.
  1. 2. A plan to hold a spot for you, like at a hotel or restaurant.
  2. 4. A sandy or rocky place next to water, like the ocean or a lake.
  3. 6. A large vehicle that carries many people on roads.
  4. 7. Things you wear, like shirts, pants, and dresses.
  5. 8. A long vehicle that moves on tracks and carries people or goods.
  6. 10. A vehicle that moves on water.
  7. 12. A piece of paper or digital pass to show you’ve paid for something, like a trip or event.
  8. 13. A box or bag with handles used for packing clothes when traveling.
  9. 17. The place you are going to.