- 3. Sweet treats that are red and white (one word)
- 5. What is used for Frosty the Snowman's nose?
- 6. What do you hang from the fireplace?
- 7. Who comes in a sleigh to deliver presents on Christmas?
- 9. ***** Christmas
- 12. How many times does Santa check his list?
- 14. Who helps Santa make the toys?
- 16. What animal must be on the Christmas dinner table?
- 18. Who was the reindeer in the book Mrs. Jordan read?
- 1. What do you hang ornaments on?
- 2. What does Santa give bad children?
- 3. Besides milk what else do we leave out for Santa
- 4. Who is the reindeer that has a red nose?
- 8. Where does Santa live(make it one word)?
- 10. Bells
- 11. How many reindeer does Santa have?
- 13. Who starts on shelves and moves around at night?
- 15. What goes on top of Christmas trees?
- 17. What color is Santa's suit?