Holiday Puzzle

  1. 3. Sweet treats that are red and white (one word)
  2. 5. What is used for Frosty the Snowman's nose?
  3. 6. What do you hang from the fireplace?
  4. 7. Who comes in a sleigh to deliver presents on Christmas?
  5. 9. ***** Christmas
  6. 12. How many times does Santa check his list?
  7. 14. Who helps Santa make the toys?
  8. 16. What animal must be on the Christmas dinner table?
  9. 18. Who was the reindeer in the book Mrs. Jordan read?
  1. 1. What do you hang ornaments on?
  2. 2. What does Santa give bad children?
  3. 3. Besides milk what else do we leave out for Santa
  4. 4. Who is the reindeer that has a red nose?
  5. 8. Where does Santa live(make it one word)?
  6. 10. Bells
  7. 11. How many reindeer does Santa have?
  8. 13. Who starts on shelves and moves around at night?
  9. 15. What goes on top of Christmas trees?
  10. 17. What color is Santa's suit?