Holiday Puzzle

  1. 4. Another term for running
  2. 8. I want a _____ for Christmas.
  3. 10. ball Fight during winter time
  4. 12. Grandma got run over by a ____.
  5. 14. Log that burns through the night
  6. 15. Holds the candles during Kwanzaa
  1. 1. Hung by the fireplace with care
  2. 2. Holiday drink
  3. 3. Reindeer that was picked on by others
  4. 5. Has a corn cob pipe and a button nose
  5. 6. Bells
  6. 7. Who was kissing Santa Claus?
  7. 9. Holds the candles during Hannukah
  8. 11. Navidad
  9. 13. He hates Christmas