Holiday Review

  1. 2. This is what we count in between Pesach and Shavuot
  2. 3. A fruit that we wave with the etrog in the sukkah
  3. 6. The holiday we use to remember that G-d took us out of Egypt
  4. 9. Chanukah starts in this month
  5. 10. The month that Pesach falls in
  6. 12. This is the English word for 'chag'
  7. 13. You need to be able to see these through your sukkah roof
  8. 15. Every four years, we have two of the month of _________________
  9. 17. The color of the clothes that we wear on Yom Kippur
  1. 1. something that we don't wear on Yom Kippur
  2. 4. The first month of the year
  3. 5. G-d told Moshe to save the Jewish people from slavery when G-d appeared as a burning _____________
  4. 7. The Jewish New Year is Rosh ________________.
  5. 8. We celebrate Yom Kippur on day _________ of Tishrei
  6. 11. Puah and ________________ were midwives who saved Jewish baby boys by lying to Pharoah
  7. 14. This is what we finish and restart on Simchat Torah
  8. 16. Yehuda Maccabee fought because Antiochus wanted to force the Jewish people to worship ____________ gods