Holiday Words

  1. 3. Similar to apple juice, but with cinnamon and served hot.
  2. 6. We hung the _____ on the mante.
  3. 9. Frosty was a _____.
  4. 10. An intense snowstorm with heavy winds.
  5. 14. I tried to catch the falling _____ on my tongue.
  6. 15. Rudolph was a red-nosed _____.
  7. 17. An organized gathering to celebrate an occasion or holiday.
  8. 19. I hope you have a _____ Christmas!
  9. 20. Ornaments are a festive _____ for a Christmas tree.
  1. 1. Another word for gifts.
  2. 2. "Good _____ we bring to you and your kin."
  3. 4. A kind of dessert associated with the holiday season.
  4. 5. I am _____ for spending time with family and for the gifts I have received
  5. 7. A peppermint flavored holiday stick-like treat.
  6. 8. Feeling full happiness.
  7. 11. A holiday decoration typically hung on a door.
  8. 12. The _____ came to our house to sing holiday songs.
  9. 13. 4th of July is my favorite _____.
  10. 16. Santa Claus comes down the _____.
  11. 18. A holiday decoration that is strung up.